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This web site is an original work and it respects copyright and authors. All the rights of the authors of the protected works reproduced and communicated on this web site, are reserved. Unless otherwise authorized, any use of the works others than the private and individual reproduction and the consultation are expressly forbidden. In particular, the brands, the logo designs, photographic and graphic illustrations on the web site are the property of the respective related entities. So any distribution, copy, duplication, modification, transfer, representation and/or complete or partial reproduction in some way and whatever title it is are expressly forbidden, even after modification. The non compliance with this ban and all use of the web site not in compliance with the original intent may establish an act of pirating/counterfeiting/imitation engaging the responsibility of every offender. Luca Tornaghi reserve the right to protest by judicial way or by quite other way of the damages in case of imitation and more generally the infringement on his rights of intellectual property.

Luca Tornaghi  |   Designer  |   P.I. 03642830131

Erba (Co), Italy  |  +39 031 9610119  |